Well, basicly setiap individu mesti ada kawan-kawan disekelilingi mereka, even saya,
tidak kisah la individu tersebut berkawan dengan sejahat-jahat alam punyaa kawan (bagi kita) ke,
tetapi bagi individu tersebut kawan yg jahat (bagi kita) tu adalah kawan paling rapat terhadap seseorang.
Introducing harits and adam..
we start with adam,
adam is a MC110 student. from perleh, perlis
well, habits when he is sleeping, better dont get near, because his leg will be moving. mengigau itu penting ya bagi beliau.
one of the students representative council.
then we move to harits,
hayamm sangat kan.. also MC110, very active one.
from peghakk, perak.
well, if he is angry, i think better u stay away from him at least 1 km from him kalau tidak
you akan dengar dia membebel mengalahkan makcik2 ya..

this one,
adik kepada beyonce knowles.
his name is izuan knowles.
addicted to his sister, beyonce.
if u got any question about beyonce, please refer directly to him.
mesti u guys tertanya2
"Gambar anak hindu kels mana kau dapat ni?"
well the name is Nazrin, but u guys can call BABY.. d=__=b
wujud lagi nama ni.
my junior, tingtong, entertain me up.
but a little bit annoying, especially when he ask me to do everything, especially assignment,
semua dia tak reti, jenuh nak ajar 1 per 1. azab tau azab?
btw, popular, cantik, letop, antm, putih, itu semua dia..
ehh, nanti kita update lagi, kita nak chiaooo ke melaka..